Wire up a map sensor with a 5v feed and earth . Meassure the return voltage from the third wire.
Using a mity-vac apply vacuum to the map sensor. Plot the voltage return in relation to the vacuum applied.
Dose the map sensor match the manufactures specifications, why or why not?
The plotted graph line was very similar but slightly different because I used a different map sensor.
Dose the map sensor read a vacuum or preasure?
The map sensor has a silicon chip that changers its resistance depending on the changers of pressure.
Explain the internal operation of this sensor and why the output voltage changes.
The map sensor has vacuum chamber which is connected to the intake manifold. Inside the vacuum chamber is a silicon chip that has a reference pressure on one side. On the other side it meassures changes in the intake manifold pressure by changing its resistance depending on changes of pressure. This changing resistance varies the voltage signal to the ECU which then interprets changing voltage as engine load and calculates how much fuel to inject and when to ignite.
Intake Air Temperature Sensor (IAT)
Connect an ohmmeter to the terminals of the sensor. Suspend the sensor in a container of water to heat to heat the sensor. Heat the water and check the temperature with a thermometer and note the change in resistance.
Dose the sensor meet the manufactures specifications? Why or why not?
Yes because manufactures specs. are intake air temp at 20 degrees 2000-3000 ohms.
80 degrees C 200-300 ohms. The IAT we tested was 2090 ohms at 20 degrees and 420 ohms at 70 degrees.
What type of thermistor is this?
(NTC) negative temperature coefficient variable resistor
They both have thermistors that have a negative temperature coefficient that decrease in resistance as the temperature increases.