Vehicle Make - Toyota
Model - Corsa
Year - 1997
Primary Ignition (parade pattern)

Above is the readings we got from the primary ignition this shows a very consistent firing voltage, burn voltage, burn time, and dwell time. Because the parade pattern shows all four cylinders its very useful for diagnosis. you can see if one cylinder is miss firing or less dwell time or less burn time, or a bad earth.
A stacked, or raster display would show up any difference between in dwell time and firing voltages.
Secondary Voltage Patterns.
Average firing voltage = 10kv
Average burn time = 2ms
This secondary ignition pattern is normal for a warm engine at idle. There is a good 10kv firing voltage and approx 2ms burn time.
Secondary Snap Acceleration.
The above readings are for snap acceleration for the secondary ignition pattern. This shows a slightly higher firing voltage. The burn time is short because the rpm is higher.
Secondary Ignition (one cylinder grounded)
Above is the secondary pattern with the cylinder #3 spark plug grounded. You can see there is a small dwell and approx 2kv firing voltage and no burn time because of the #3 spark plug being grounded.
Secondary Waveform with Spark Tested.
Above are readings with #3 cylinder with a spark tester on. You can see #3 has a lower firing voltage of 7kv.